Warsaw – WrocławInterior architecture studio

Problems when finishing an apartment: the perspective of Poles and 12 expert tips

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Warsaw – WrocławInterior architecture studio

Warsaw – WrocławInterior architecture studio

Warsaw – WrocławInterior architecture studio

Warsaw – WrocławInterior architecture studio

We are an interior design studio specialising in turnkey finishing of flats and houses. We operate in Warsaw and Wroclaw. We have been designing and finishing interiors since 2009 and have completed over 3500 projects since then. Trust our experience and rely on Decoroom specialists! Together we will create a cosy and functional space tailored to your needs.



Functional, aesthetically pleasing and, above all, tailored to your expectations – these are the interiors we create at the Decoroom studio. Each of our projects reflects the tastes and needs of our clients.

See our projects

How do we operate?

We offer comprehensive turnkey finishing service. You will be guided through the entire process of creating your dream interior: from design to completion. In addition, we can provide you with tailor-made furniture fittings.

It is up to you to take the first step towards the creation of the space of your dreams. Contact us via the form on our website or by phone and make an appointment. Tell us about your ideas and our consultants will prepare a preliminary estimate and answer all your questions about our offer.

We get to know your needs and together we choose the package that fits them best, taking your preferences, favourite aesthetics, quality of materials and budget into consideration. You have 3 options to choose from: Standard, Premium and Designer. Each package includes an individual interior design and a choice of materials and a turnkey finish to a specific standard.

Are you looking for an interior architect in Warsaw or Wroclaw who will design fully customised furniture for you? You can then choose our Kitchen add-on offer, thanks to which we will jointly create your dream furniture design for your kitchen, bathroom or wardrobe.

We approach each order individually, creating the entire interior concept from scratch. We take your suggestions into consideration, while simultaneously suggesting various solutions for improving the functionality of the space. Once we have agreed on the concept, we will prepare a precise cost estimate, detailing the pricing of construction work, materials and furnishings.

Once the concept and cost estimate have been approved – it’s time to sign the contract. Together, we will agree on a convenient schedule of payments. Once all the technicalities are completed, we can move on to the design stage.

At this stage, we choose wall and floor tiles, paint colours, ceramics and bathroom fittings, doors and flooring. You are invited to mix and match the materials used: choose from our range or from outside it. We then prepare a 3D visualisation of the bathroom. If you would like to see the effect of the work on the entire flat, for an additional charge our Decoroom specialists will make visualisations of all the other rooms.

Time to draw up the technical documentation and update the cost estimate. The documents produced will reflect everything that will be carried out in your flat. You can control the estimate at every stage of the work.

Having chosen to work with Decoroom, you receive our support during the acceptance of your flat from the developer. Our qualified finishing work coordinators can accompany you through this process. They will help you assess the quality of the workmanship of the walls, ceilings, plaster floors, etc. What is more, they will also inspect the entrance and balcony doors, windows, radiators and windowsills to make sure that everything has been done correctly.

During the acceptance of the flat from the developer, we assess the quality of the premises and indicate the necessary repair work. Before carrying out the finishing work, we order the materials and control the delivery dates. Construction and finishing works are carried out by professional finishing teams in accordance with the approved project. We supervise all stages of the work, ensuring that the project is carried out correctly and on time.

In addition to interior design in Warsaw and Wrocław, we also offer services in the field of design and construction of made-to-measure furniture. According to your needs, we will realise wardrobes, wardrobes and built-in furniture for the kitchen or bathroom. We will also advise you on the choice of lighting and household appliances.

Prepared by us schedule of payments will allow you to lay out all your expenses and keep control of your budget. A huge advantage of our offer is that you make the last payment only after you take delivery of the flat.

We provide a 24-month warranty for the services we provide. If you have any doubts or questions, we are always at your disposal, feel free to contact us!

Each of the finishing packages we offer includes: design, purchase of finishing materials, their logistics, a finishing team with supervision and a 2-year warranty for the services provided.

finishing packages

What do our Clients say about us?  

I highly recommend DecoROOM. Full professionalism and very high quality of the services offered. The entire team will guide a layman like me end to end through the entire path of finishing the apartment, providing advice and numerous tips. I will definitely use your services in the future!

Dawid Kuciński

Witam serdecznie. Firma Decoroom wykańczała u mnie kompleksowo dom i meble. Dośc duży projekt. Dość długo mieliśmy okazje sie poznać i współpracować :):) Bardzo ładny Showroom, są profofesjonalni jeżeli chodzi o przedstawienie i sprzedaż swoich usług. Dostałem od nich wstepny kosztorys i zakres, w firmie konkurencyjnej chcieli odrazu podpsiać umowę. Nie udało sie uniknąc problemów, było ich kilka, najwięcej ich było w projekcie ale finalnie wszystko zostało wyjaśnione, poprawione, i załatwione jak trzeba. Wady zostały usnunięte bez dyskusji i problemów. Ale mimo wszystko zwracajcie uwagi na wasze projekty. Jest powiedzenie "nie ważne jak zaczynasz, ważne jak kończysz" Jakośc wykończenia jest wysoka, Pan Darek to mistrz od płytek, fajny gość, bardzo dokładny !! Jakość mebli również wysoka, mogę polecić, naprawde wygladaja i sprawiaja wrażenie solidnych. Musze pochwalić również Pana Tomka Balikowskiego koordynatora który naprawdę sie starał żeby cały remont sprawnie. Dostałem również, prezent od firmy Decoroom :) ! ps. Wkoncu moge postawić soundbar :) Polecam, Pozdrawiam Przemek i Aneta

Przemek Susik

Rozmawiałem z 2 największymi dostawcami usług pod klucz w Warszawie i Decoroom zwrócił moją uwagę, ponieważ pan Konrad Jankowski był bardzo zaangażowany i pomocny w wyjaśnianiu wszystkiego z pakietów. Po podpisaniu umowy miałem okazję współpracować z Panią Ewą Czopko jako projektantem wnętrz oraz Panem Tomaszem Rybarczykiem jako koordynatorem projektu. Cała współpraca przebiega harmonijnie. Oboje są bardzo mili, wspierający i entuzjastycznie nastawieni do tego, co robią. Ostatecznie mieszkanie zostało ukończone z ponad miesięcznym wyprzedzeniem, z bardzo niewielką liczbą usterek, które zostały szybko usunięte przez zespół. Od początku do końca wszystko poszło bardzo sprawnie. Poleciłbym tę firmę wszystkim moim znajomym, a także każdemu, kto czyta tę recenzję.

Bamo Memo

Z Decooroom mieliśmy przyjemność wykończyć mieszkanie. To był naprawdę łatwy proces dzięki zaangażowaniu pracowników i ich kompetencji. Szeroki wybór dobrych jakościowo materiałów. Pan Tomasz koordynator już na odbiorze technicznym zwracał uwagę na każdy najmniejszy szczegół, tak samo był skrupulatny przy poprawkach po ekipie remontowej. Ekipa remontowa sprawna, pracę zakończyły się szybciej niż przypuszczaliśmy. Wybór współpracy zaoszczędził nam sporo czasu. Jesteśmy zadowoleni, jeśli jeszcze kiedyś będziemy mieli okazję kupić nieruchomość to z pewnością wrócimy do Was.

Magdalena Górska


Piotr Kaczor

Najpiękniejsza kuchnia. Pan Sebastian, koordynator projektu, zdecydowanie skarb. Kultura i profesjonalizm. Dział meblowy Decoroom polecam każdemu.

Barbara Ratajska

Bardzo miła współpraca, profesjonalizm, życzliwość i ogromna wiedza. Zaprojektowano nam wspaniałe wnętrze, bardzo funkcjonalne, zaproponowano wiele rozwiązań, o których nawet nie mieliśmy pojęcia, dziękujemy!

Joanna Bieńkowska

Bardzo polecam DecoROOM. Pełen profesjonalizm i bardzo wysoka jakość oferowanych usług. Cały Team, przeprowadzi end to end laika takiego jak ja, przez całą ścieżkę wykończenia mieszkania, służąc przy tym poradom i licznymi wskazówkami. Na pewno w przyszłości skorzystam jeszcze z Państwa usług!

Dawid Kuciński

Thank you for the nice and professional finish of our apartment. I especially want to highlight the professionalism and open communication with Mr. Michał Kiciński :)

V. Shelelo

I evaluated 6 different company before choosing Decoroom because I was looking a company that can handle everything together. I had a turnkey package from Decoroom, not only apartment but also work with them for the furniture as well. They were super responsive throughout the project, they were keeping me updated on what is going on, I was able to visit my apartment without any issue, and was able to make all the last minute changes without any problem. Team is super professional and they are really good at what they are doing. Also, quality is awesome! When you deal with such big projects, you should always expect some small problems, however, there is nothing. Even small ones are fixed in same day. I love the company and will use it in the future as well!

Mogoltay Morgul

Interior architect in Warsaw and Wroclaw tailored to your needs.

Finding an interior architect in either Warsaw or Wroclaw can be quite a challenge. Interior design, especially in cities such as Wroclaw and Warsaw, is often a multi-stage process. At Decoroom, you can find everything related to interior design and finishing in one place!

Interior designers in Warsaw and Wroclaw

Are you looking for an interior designer in Wrocław or Warsaw? You are in the right place. Our employees have already completed almost 3000 interior designs all over Warsaw. Thanks to them, all interior designs in Warsaw or Wrocław will exactly embody your visions. Choose our team to be sure that you are putting your place in the best possible hands.